Thursday, January 3, 2019

Hello 2019, Bye 2018

The year of 2018 has concluded with a loss of 5.5K for me. I know the market is overall not doing so well, but this result is still quite poor as I have been prudent with fund allocation. 2018 should able cover back for the previous loss but ended up in red again.
The main draw back comes from 2 counters. I would not mention which they are, but they serve a hard lesson to me. Rosy pictures can turn plain, and weak prices can get weaker. No matter what the base is, profit or dividend or asset value, these metrics are not fixed. Seemingly cheap may not be real cheap always, or in future. Stock prices are about future, and they move ahead and fast.
While 2018 has passed, 2019 looks to be another challenging year. Not just stocks, even work life are the same. I'd say this is complex matter, this world, life, human society, economy and everything. Maybe it is just going towards where it should be, hard working is required and fruits need to be farmed and earned.
I would also need to set a right mindset. Invest is a means, it can bear fruits, it can also be damage. by going for it means accepting its nature. and it's not the only thing that matters, there should be focus on things like healthy living, meaningful life, family and children.
Well, I'm still on my course of investing as I'm not quitting the path. I can't say that I'm optimistic or pessimistic on it. It's just that I start to realize investing won't be suitable for everyone and it comes with its inherent risk factors.
I have come to a stage where savings won't help much already. The ideal scenario is that portfolio can self grow and help with my financial free goal. I know investing is an answer; but still, the approach should still be scientific based, i believe more on the compounding miracle. Anyway, won't be so straight forward too.
Wish all the best for the roads ahead. Cheers

Disclaimer: This post is not a call to buy or sell. Plse do your own analysis and make investment decisions.

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